Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Affects Movie Attendance?

As a studio and producer how would this economy affect your movies? Obviously they are a little bit pinched in money. Where they might usually spend $15 million on something, they will reconsider and spend only about $10 million. Studios and producers are trying to be more cautious about their movie decisions so they can save and make as much as possible. So movie ideas that might not be brilliant and got produced willed be looked over a second time to see if they really want to take that risk. It’s harder to get loans to make big budget movies, so anything they can cut they will. However they will produce what gets the most money, not always the best movie. If people are more willing to go to a horrible movie for laughs, but nothing more than a one time thing they’ll produce that one. Where other movies that are though provoking and highly rated by critics might be waited on to make (article below). We might have to suffer with bad movies being produced for a while, at least until studios get a steady place on the ground.

For more information:

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